Not Far From the Tree

Not Far From the Tree

Not Far From the Tree By Pastor Eric After working outside in the yard for several hours, I decided to take a break–maybe grab a bite to eat. All I needed was something to curb my appetite until dinner, nothing too big. We had a bowl of fruit on the counter and the...
Four Simple Words

Four Simple Words

Four Simple Words By Pastor Eric “I’ve got your back!” Those words from a fellow soldier echoed in my ear as we stepped off the aircraft into a bad situation. Even though we were highly trained and carried some of the latest and best equipment, those simple...
Stay Hungry

Stay Hungry

Stay Hungry By Pastor Eric Just like many students today, High School sports was a big part of my teenage years. I enjoyed playing football, but I loved the game of basketball. I had a passion for the combination of technical, mental, and physical skills required to...


FACT or FAKE By Pastor Eric Our theme this year for our High School youth ministry comes from Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”  The world, especially social media, is filling our students–and us–with...
Because I Said So

Because I Said So

Because I Said So By Pastor Eric The other day I asked one of my daughters to take the trash out, a simple task. After asking her to do this for me I got a very familiar response, “Why do I have to do that?” If you have children I’m sure you have had this...
Bent & Twisted

Bent & Twisted

Bent & Twisted By Pastor Eric This past week I got the awesome opportunity to join up with the Conquerors Strength Team down in Foley Alabama. In a 2-day span, we visited five different high schools–bending metal, breaking bricks, and blowing things up. At the...