Four Simple Words

By Pastor Eric

“I’ve got your back!” Those words from a fellow soldier echoed in my ear as we stepped off the aircraft into a bad situation. Even though we were highly trained and carried some of the latest and best equipment, those simple words from the man behind me gave me peace. I hopped off the aircraft with an inner confidence and a steadfast sense of comfort. 

Four simple words that communicated a deep and complex truth, even more vital than the weapon my hands clung to–strength, encouragement, and faithfulness boiled down to just a few words. No matter how bad things could get, there was a promise made by the man who fought at my side, who fought for me, and I for him. A covenant that in all situations, he would be there with me, he would watch over me, protect me, committed to the love he had for his brother. 

As we stepped off into the fire of battle, wading into the deep waters of chaos around us, there was a rush of peace and confidence that I cannot explain. It wasn’t in my equipment, my training, or in anything that I could “name,” instead it was grounded in the knowledge of the love my brother had for me. It was the dedication, honor, and the willingness to die for the person at your side that caused me to raise my head, poke out my chest, and lean into the fiery breath of the enemy. Four simple words with such a deep meaning to the heart that embraced them, “I’ve got your back!”

How about you–are you facing battles today? What chaos and deep waters have you found yourself in lately? Life can seem to be overwhelming at times, placing us in a fiery furnace of circumstances and unseen situations. I have good news, you have someone at your side as well, willing to lay down his life for you, to watch over and protect you from this world. He will always be at your side, through all things, giving you strength, peace, and comfort…….your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! What an amazing feeling to know that the creator of the universe “Has Our Backs!”  

In Isaiah 43:2-4 God makes this promise to you and me, When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. God promises us that he will be with us, “have our backs” in all things! But how can he make such a promise? God answers this question in verse 3, For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.We stand firm in the strength and power of our all-mighty and Holy God! But, why would he do this for me? God answers this question as well in verse 4 when he says, Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you.He created you, he knows you, he loves you, he has saved you, and he will always be with you.  

Brothers and sisters, know with confidence that you are loved and so precious to the Father above. He promises to always and forever “have your back.”  You can trust in his promises and experience a peace in this world because his son offered his back for the stripes that were once ours. It was his back pressed against that wooden cross for you and for me, because he loves you!  

 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.Isaiah 41:10   GOD’S GOT YOUR BACK!

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