Who Do You See?

By Pastor Eric

Have you ever dressed up for Halloween when you were a kid or maybe even as an adult? It can be a lot of fun for children and for big kids too! One year when I was little, my mom allowed me to dress up like my dog superhero, Scooby Doo. I had the full costume, the long ears, a big snout, I tried walking like Scooby, and even carried around some Scooby snacks.  I even practiced being able to talk like Scooby as well. My hope was that as I went door to door looking for the best candy, everyone would see Scooby instead of me. I had been transformed: I walked, talked, and looked like Scooby Doo! Best Costume ever! 

When we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior and when the Holy Spirit resides in our hearts, we are changed from the inside out! As we live out our lives in this world, the world should see Christ. We should walk like, talk like, think like, love like, forgive like, and live like the image we were created in. When the world sees you, they should notice that you are different, set apart (Holy) from everyone else; they should see Jesus. 

You and I have an active role in how we respond to the truth of who we are in Christ. Paul tells us in Colossians 2:6b that because we have received Christ Jesus as our Lord, our lives should reflect the transformation brought about by the gift of Grace. 2 Corinthains 5:17 tells us, “if anyone is IN Christ, the new creation has come; the old has gone, the new is here!” Receiving Jesus as our savior transforms us into something new, the person we were before we encountered Jesus is gone and a new person is born, inside and out.. 

Who does the word see when they meet you? Can they tell you are different from the way you live? Why do you think this is so difficult to do in the world we live in today? 

Father God, we give thanks for the “new creation” you have created in each of us through the work of your Son Jesus Christ. May we be walking, talking, and living testimonies of the grace and love you have poured out on each of us. Guide us each and give us wisdom to be good ambassadors of your good news!! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen and Amen!


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