
The Fear of Inadequacy

By Tiffany Bosma

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

I recently found myself consoling my crying child because a friend had made fun of him for something he values and holds dear. He felt as if he was inadequate because he didn’t live up to someone else’s expectations. Through his tears, I asked him, “Who made you?” to which he replied, “God.” 

I reminded my son that God is his creator. He made his eyes, mouth, fingers, toes. He also made his heart and his personality. God made him curious, rambunctious, loving, joyful, tenacious, and compassionate. My son is exactly who God created him to be, and God has a particular purpose for him.

Off he ran, and I was left thinking about how I often fail to speak those words to myself. Usually, I feel like I don’t live up to my own or others’ expectations, or I wish I were different than the way I am. There are times I am afraid. Other times I convince myself I can’t possibly do all the things expected of me as a mother, wife, daughter, and friend. I need to remember that I, too, am exactly who God created me to be. He has chosen me, and he has a particular purpose for me. God invites me to join him in his work, even though I may not feel qualified for the task. Jesus has made me qualified, and I am adequate. I am enough because of Jesus. You, too, are enough. 

God, you knit me together before I was born. You know the work you have prepared me to do, Lord, and I pray that I embrace the invitation to do your work. I acknowledge that on my own, I am inadequate to meet your expectations, but because of your Son Jesus Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit, I am just the right person to do the work you have set before me. Remove my fear, give me boldness and confidence to live up to your expectations. Amen.

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