

Written by Pastor Eric Everhart

This past summer, the 1-Way leadership and I were blessed with another opportunity to spend an amazing week in Montana at the Gainey ranch. For our devotion time with the students at night, we try to put them in a situation to really think about their faith, to take a look at themselves from the inside, and to make decisions about change. During this particular summer, we decided to do something new. Part of their evening would involve writing down their sins on a 3×5 card and nailing it to a very large log which would later be burned in the camp fire. In order to do this we needed a very large log. 

While on our first hike at Humbug Spires I decided to find that log and bring it back to the ranch.  Along the National Park trail there were many trees cut down by the forestry service to minimize fires. The trees were cut up in pretty good size logs so I figured I would grab one on the way back out of the trail, which is what I did. It was a perfect sized log, but pretty heavy as well. I picked it up, realizing then just how heavy it was, and threw it up on my shoulder. 

We had about 2 miles to go before we got back to the vehicles, but I assured everyone that I was okay and I could handle the log. At that point I’m not sure who I was actually trying to convince, them or myself. My pride, of course, was at stake and I couldn’t let the students see me sweat. Everything was going good for the first half mile–pretty flat terrain and a straight trail. But at about the 1-mile marker my shoulders began to burn; I had to switch the log from one shoulder to the other every few minutes, and I was really feeling the weight of the log in my back. Then we started climbing up and around, then down and back up. The weight of that log was tearing me down and stealing the joy out of this beautiful climb with the group. 

With about three-quarters of a mile to go, a couple of students came up from the rear of the trail and asked, “Hey, Pastor E, want us to carry that for a while? We can help carry it so you don’t have to do it all by yourself.”  In my head I was thinking, “No, I got it–I can handle it.” My body, on the other hand, was like, “Put it down, share the weight with someone else, YOU CAN’T HANDLE IT.” So I gave in to my body and turned the log over to the students. I cannot explain how good I felt for the rest of the hike, so light and free, and my joy was back! To my surprise, the students actually enjoyed their time with the log, laughing and encouraging one another for the final part of the journey. I couldn’t help but think, “Why didn’t I do that a long time ago?”. 

What sort of things are you carrying on your shoulders today that you need to put down? Stress, worry, anxiety, money issues, the issues in the world, and the list could go on. Has the devil taken your joy from you through these things? Are you consumed daily by the weight of the world? 

Brothers and sisters, I’m not sure exactly what it means to “hand these things over to God” but I do know that we have NOT been created to handle these things alone. Our Heavenly Father says to bring them to him in prayer, to seek him for strength and wisdom, and to give him the weight that holds us down. God has also given us each other to help bear and carry the crosses that keep us bound.  

As the Isrealites began their journey into the land God had promised them he said, “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” Joshua 1:9. When the weight of the world seems to be on your back, seek God in prayer, look to him for your strength, seek others to walk with you, and know that God is with you. When you do this you will find the burden of the world to be lighter, you will be in a better spot spiritually, and you will go forward knowing that you are not alone! DO YOU GOT THIS, DO YOU REALLY?

“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalm 55:22

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