
Casual Christians

There are many things I love to do in my spare time, but there is one thing I enjoy doing more than the rest—weightlifting. Many of you know that the gym is my sanctuary away from the busyness of life. I put my earbuds in, and it’s just me and the weights. I love pushing my body to the point of failure and exhaustion, then pushing it some more. When I’m in the gym, it’s like game time, where I give it all I’ve got, for the whole time I’m there. There is no “halfway” or “going light,” it’s full-throttle or nothing. I love the stress relief that comes from that time in the gym, and the satisfaction of watching myself grow stronger.

Maybe some of you can relate. I imagine that many of you are the same way with sports or music, perhaps academics, dance, running, or even work. We have those things that we pour ourselves into and give 100% of our effort and focus. We get in that zone, and it takes us to another place, like the rest of the world isn’t there. Just for a moment, nothing else matters, and the work of it all becomes a joy. Nothing beats hitting that 10-mile mark on a run, leaving it all on the football field, or dancing until your legs hurt. It brings us peace, fulfillment, and joy.

I know many of you would agree when I say that our relationship with Jesus Christ is the most critical thing in our lives—or it should be. Not only is our bond “life saving,” it brings us joy; it gives us peace and hope; and through Jesus, we have fulfillment in this earthly life. A relationship with Jesus gives us satisfaction, a goal to strive for as we learn to live more like him, and a purpose for being here on this earth. A relationship with Jesus requires us to be “all in,” “full throttle,” giving it all we have. “Love me with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength,” Jesus says to us. He doesn’t leave a thing out! He doesn’t want our best effort, a little bit of our time, a small place in our heart, or a passing thought in our minds—he wants all of you, me, and us!

Why is it so difficult for us to be “all in” or “full throttle” when it comes to our relationship with Jesus? If that is the number one priority in our lives, then our lives should reflect it. Going to church and youth group on Sunday is fantastic, but that isn’t enough. Serving at the refugee center on Friday or the DOCK on Monday is great, but that isn’t enough. Singing in the praise band is a blessing to all of us, but that isn’t enough.

All of these things are great ways, by themselves, to serve and worship God, but what about your life? Do your words honor God? Do your regular actions cause God to smile? Do your decisions give God a reason to be proud of you? Are your thoughts in line with God’s thoughts? Is your heart filled with God’s Spirit?

Let’s not be “casual Christians” but instead live life for God at “full throttle,” with all of the intensity and passion we have for everything else we love so much! Let’s give God 100% and no less! Let’s face it, Jesus didn’t give a half-hearted effort at the cross—our Savior gave his all for you and me—praise Jesus! (Romans 8:32)


Article written by Pastor Eric Everhart

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