
Call On Me, I Am Here

Written by Pastor Eric Everhart

I can’t speak for everyone, but sometimes I feel like my “faith walk” is this long stroll through the woods following the breadcrumbs that God has laid down on the path to guide me. Don’t do this, can’t have that, shouldn’t watch this, never listen to them, be sure to act this way, read more scripture, pray more often, and so on. Head down on the path of life, doing the very best I can to scoop up all the bread crumbs, I sometimes find myself drifting left and right off the path. The “world” is dropping its own bread crumbs and it’s very easy to follow the sweet taste of the “world” and our “flesh.” 

Maybe I grab a quick crumb of bad thoughts, a slice of bitterness towards others, or maybe just a morsel of jealousy that takes me off God’s intended path. For some, the bread crumbs of the world may look like alcohol, pornography, gossip, sex, or lying. All the sudden we find ourselves off the path of safety and freedom that God has placed in front of us. We look up from gathering the sweetness of the world to find ourselves in the thick brush and briars of the dark woods surrounding the path. The right path is out of sight…it’s cold…and we are LOST! 

How did we get there among the painful branches and thorns? More importantly, how do we get back? We want to do what’s right, to please God, and to walk his path, but we find ourselves distracted. In the midst of those thick woods, our minds would even have us think “God has left me alone;” “He doesn’t care;” and “why won’t he come find me?”

The truth is, God is right there with you (Isa 41:10)! He does love you (Rom 5:8) and he does want you to come back to his path (Joel 2:13). He is waiting for you to call out to him, to seek him for direction, and to ask him for help. He wants us to cry out…God, I need you. God, please help me. Lord, there is none like you. I have brought myself far off the path, by looking at far off ideals, far off people, and far off things that you did not lay out before me. Reset my eyes, my mind, my being, my heart…show me the path to freedom and safety! Lord, come find me!!

Have you found yourself “off the path?” Do you feel sometimes you are in the dark woods of the world, lost? Cry out to our Lord, cry out in a loud voice…fall to your knees and let your voice echo through the dense forest…LORD I’M LOST AND I NEED YOU!!! 

“Call upon me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor me.” Psalm 50:15

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