
Plugged In

I don’t think there is a single person today that would argue the world we live in now is saturated in electronics. For most, the thought of living without electronics is downright scary, a foreign concept, and unthinkable.

Don’t get me wrong though, electronics serve an amazing purpose and they do make some parts of our lives much easier. Each electronic we own has particular function and have all been designed to operate in specific ways, performing specific tasks for the operator. But, even with all of their capabilities and functions, no electronic device can function without power. Without power, they are unable to perform the tasks they were created for or even be useful. Without being connected to a power source our electronics serve no purpose.

When it comes to fulfilling our purpose or “designed function” as Christ followers, we are no different. As a missional Church and as missional Christ followers, we too have to have power. We have to be plugged into a power source. Without power or fuel, we are incapable of living out our purpose to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world. God has equipped us with his word, he has sent us out in his authority, he has taken away our fears, and he calls us to go. But we cannot go until we are plugged into the power source.

Our power source is the Holy Spirit. In Scripture, Jesus tells his disciples to go spread the word but tells them to wait until he sends them the Holy Spirit. Essentially, he is saying, “you cannot do what I have called you to do on your own, you need my power!” When we are plugged into the power of the Holy Spirit we receive Christ’s authority, his strength, his confidence, his power, and his Word! Once we are plugged into the Spirit, then and only then will we have the power to fulfill our designed purpose and calling to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world! Let God breathe his Spirit into you, receive that power, and go do what you have been called to do for God’s Kingdom!

What power source are you plugged into?

“And look, I am sending you what my Father promised. But stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” —Luke 24:49

—Pastor Eric

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OUR MISSION: As Christ-followers we are committed to cultivating, sharing, and celebrating the love of God with people everywhere.