
No Secret At All

Written by Pastor Eric Everhart

 Many of you know how passionate I am about the strength ministry I participate in called the Conquerors. Through crazy feats of strength I get the awesome opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with thousands of people across the world. Bending a horseshoe, breaking a stack of bricks, and even tearing a phonebook in half can seem almost impossible to many. So I often hear the same question over and over again, “How do you get that strong” so that you can do those crazy things?

I tell you what–I will give you my Top Secret formula for getting that strong…..don’t tell anyone though……..are you ready?………..LOTS OF HARD WORK!! That’s right, sorry, but there is no “secret.” I spend a great deal of time working my muscles out so that they grow big and strong, giving me the strength I need to take on the next challenge. 

Have you ever thought about your faith that same way? Our faith is like a muscle that needs to be exercised, stretched, and used! Our faith is at its strongest when we are building it up in the gym of life, the Holy Spirit our training coach. So, how do I exercise my faith? Great question, I’m glad you asked! 

Here is a workout plan for you. Begin your workout with a good stretch of daily PRAYER. Bring your thanksgiving, concerns, and petitions to our loving God. Next, do a few sets of READING the BIBLE. Hear what God has to say to you through his Word. Fill your body up with the bread of life and all the super muscle-building nutrients of spiritual food. Drop down and give God your WORSHIP. Build up your faith by being a vital part of the covenant body of believers, both in sharing your gifts and being on your knees in worship to our almighty God. And finish off your “Faith Workout” with a whole lot of SACRIFICE. Press your faith as you help build up God’s Kingdom, his people, and his will for your life.  Use your God-given gifts to serve the gift-giver and others. Finally, and most importantly, finish off every work out by loving the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, all your mind, and also loving your neighbor.  Repeat daily without fail!

How are you building up a strong faith? Get out of that lazy-boy “faith” chair and take on a “faith workout” SO that you can be assured that you will be strong enough for the next challenge in your life!

 “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:12-13




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