

There is an evil that lurks across the land and the doom of all people is a priority of this evil. It breathes on the world a hot breath of destruction, death, and lies. The people tremble at the sound of its call and find themselves enticed by the lies of its tongue. As the grip of this evil seems to squeeze the very hope from the hearts of the world, all seems lost. But a small group of nine from many different lands and races of people fellowship together to fight this evil. Through the strength of the fellowship this evil meets its end and hope is restored.

For many moviegoers, you will recognize this small interpretation of the popular movie, The Fellowship of the Ring. A group of people, coming together for one purpose, stand and proclaim freedom even in the face of death. With all of their hearts fixed on this one purpose they battle together in fellowship to see this purpose fulfilled. As individuals they were no match for this evil, but united together in one spirit and for one purpose this Fellowship finds strength, hope, and victory. 

Brothers and sisters, we too are in a spiritual battle against the evil of this world. This evil wishes to destroy, deceive, suffocate, and kill everything. We, too, live in a world where things don’t seem like they could get any worse. Hate, violence, corruption, and war are at large in every part of this world and it can suck the hope from our hearts. But there is hope, redemption, and victory! Freedom from evil is found in Jesus Christ and in him alone.

We have our calling to battle this evil and to spread God’s word about hope and victory. But we cannot do this alone. We need to be in fellowship together, united in Christ, living out the apostles’ teachings in our daily lives, and praying continuously in Jesus’ name. Together as Christ followers from all parts of the world, from many different races and cultures, we fellowship together to bring hope and victory to this broken world through Christ Jesus. In this Christ-centered fellowship many wondrous things will be done, hope will be restored, God’s Word will go forth, and victory is assured!


“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”  Acts 2:42

—Pastor Eric

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OUR MISSION: As Christ-followers we are committed to cultivating, sharing, and celebrating the love of God with people everywhere.