Pastor of Outreach and Congregational Care
The Job Description, Church Profile and Application can be downloaded here.
Applications will be accepted until Feb 10, 2025. Email completed applications to administrator@friendshipcrc.org
General Responsibilities:
• Utilize gifts of pastoral care, relationships, and teaching to provide congregational care and
outreach, and to equip the congregation to be a caring and mission-minded community.
• Promote a vision for both personal and church evangelism, growth, and development.
• Serve as a role model in witnessing to Jesus Christ, leading the congregation in global (local,
regional, and international) outreach.
• Share secondary responsibility for preaching and planning/coordinating worship services under
the leadership of the Pastor of Worship and Discipleship.
• Preach the Word, administer sacraments, and faithfully shepherd the congregation in love.
• Provide a written ministry update and actively participate in scheduled Council, staff, Circle of
Care, Missions, and Elders meetings.
• Pray regularly for FCRC, its leaders, staff, congregation members and community.
• Ensure teaching and ministries are implemented consistent with the Reformed Faith of the
Christian Reformed Church.
See Job Description for further information.