by Pastor Eric

One of the things I loved doing the most when I was in the Army was flying around in helicopters. From the big ones to the little ones, I loved being in the aircraft. Any chance I could get, I was off the ground. People ask me all the time if I ever got scared when I was flying. In most cases, the answer would be no. There have been a few times, however, that were absolutely terrifying! 

One of those times was in Virginia Beach, Virginia, during a training operation. The pilots were practicing their landing skills on a US aircraft carrier that was parked in the Atlantic Ocean. On this flight, I got the opportunity to sit in the co-pilot’s seat. It was raining pretty hard and the fog was really thick. From the time we took off we couldn’t see the ground or what was in front of us. The pilot was telling me that he was flying blind, only using radar equipment in front of him to navigate. He had to trust fully on what the instruments were telling him as he flew. 

Once we navigated over the beach and headed out to sea, the weather got worse. The water looked angry and the wind was blowing really hard. After a couple miles out to sea, we could barely make out the very large aircraft carrier through the rain and fog. It was bobbing up and down in the ocean, moving all over the place as the waves crashed above the deck. I remember asking the pilot if we were still going to try to land, “Roger that” was his reply. I felt like I was going to get sick as the pilot carefully watched his instrument panel, trusting every detail it gave him, never taking his eyes off it as he came in to land. We couldn’t see the deck and we were getting tossed around like a sock in a washing machine. The pilot was watching his speed and altitude gauges as he tried to match the roll of the ship. After about 15 minutes of dropping and rising, the skids of the helicopter made contact with the ship’s deck. The pilot shouted out, “Touchdown!” as he powered down the engines. I dont think ive ever been so scared on a flight. But the pilot trusted in his navigation system and set down with no problem. 

We live in a world that can feel like we are getting tossed around in the wind and waves as well. Life gets thrown at us and we even have a hard time seeing into tomorrow. We find ourselves in the deep end of the water, flying blind, and just trying to land on something solid. Our storms can take on many different forms, from anxiety, pain, loss, hurt, depression, loneliness, a lack of self confidence, sickness, and so many others. The waves of these storms can beat on us and leave us wanting to give up or turn to other things that would not be healthy. 

As Christ followers we have a God who commands the storms, calms the seas, and holds us above the water. He is our solid ground and our refuge in the chaos. He promises to see us through these storms, to protect us, and to help us navigate the seemingly impossible circumstances of our lives. God asks us to keep our eyes fixed on him, to trust him when we cannot see or when we feel like giving up. He is the Rock on which we place our feet, holding us steady as the waves crash again and again.  

Brothers and sisters, as you navigate the storms of your own life, hear the words of Jesus…..“Take courage! It is I (Jesus). Don’t be afraid.” In the midst of those storms, seek Jesus on the water and hear him call out to you, “Come.” Hear his voice and trust in the one who commands the winds and seas. Look past the storm and lock your eyes on Jesus who will raise you above these things. Even when your fears overtake you, cry out, “Lord save me,” and he will surely reach out to you, lifting you up. Let Jesus be your strength and refuge….the Rock on which you will find solid ground! 

Do you have storms in your life that have you holding onto the driftwood of fear? Let go, fix your eyes on Jesus, and trust that he will not let you be consumed by the waves! Jesus will hold you up with his all-powerful, all-sufficient, and all-loving grace! 

“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.” Isaiah 43:2

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